
"Trailblazers is a much needed program addressing girls in schools that can be a model for them to discover their own trail to find out and express who they are.  Using Sophie as a model is inspiring to give young girls the push to explore, challenge themselves, and become the best they can be.  Developing the love of movement, play, and exercise in the context of exploring their world can show many of them their own way."

John J. Ratey, MD, Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School



“If you’d have asked those girls at the end of assembly, they would not have volunteered. There is no way she would have put her hand up before”

Mary Foy, Holy Family School, Walthamstow



"You made me realise that if I put my mind to something I can achieve it"

Student, Fulham Cross Girls School 



“I’ve seen girls smile and speak up who would not do that in class”

Ellie Cole, Holy Family School, Walthamstow



“We can take this and use it across the school – the butterfly effect."

Alice Thompson, Fulham Cross Girls School



"You have made me feel more confident in myself and know that all I have to do in life is be myself in front of other people"

Student, Holy Family School, Walthamstow